Letting Go of the Clutter

Photo by Camille Villanueva on Unsplash.com

Photo by Camille Villanueva on Unsplash.com

With the popularity of Marie Kondo’s Netflix series Tidying Up, I thought I would share my thoughts on letting go of clutter. Many of us have a tendency to clutter our lives with unnecessary clutter. We buy stuff we think we will need someday. For some reason of human nature, we feel that we will not be able to find it when or if we need it later.

I have quilting friends that hoard piles and piles of fabric. They have so much fabric that they get overwhelmed and just go out and buy new fabric rather than deal with going through their current collection. I have other friends that cannot let go of anything. Their lives are so full of stuff and they get overwhelmed and live amid rooms full of possessions they don’t need or will ever use. When do possessions become clutter? First, think of all the money you have spent on your clutter. Most people have spent a small fortune on their hoard. Let go of the idea of there not being enough or “I will never find this to buy again”.

In Feng Shui, your home holds the energy of what occurs there. Clutter blocks the energy flowing through your space and your life. Your space reflects your life. If your space is cluttered, then your life is probably just as cluttered. Do you really need all that stuff? Of course, the answer is no.

Are you at a time in your life where you are ready to let go of what does not serve you anymore? It’s time to simplify and clean up our lives and our homes. You don’t need to drag along with you anymore, all that baggage and possessions that tie you down.

It’s time to let go of the material things that don’t bring you joy and happiness. Give yourself permission to start cleaning, donating, and letting go of all that stuff.

Do you find it hard to let go of “stuff”? What steps have you taken to keep your space clutter free? We would love to hear your comments!

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