Breaking Old Patterns

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Breaking old patterns can be very difficult for many people. For some, it’s about stuffing down feelings so that they don’t have to face old patterns that don’t serve them well. For others, they don’t even realize that they have negative patterns.

Lots of people come through the door of my shop, and since we are a creativity and wellness shop, they open up and share what’s on their minds with me. Recently, a customer shared issues she was having with her sisters and about them giving her unwanted advice that ended up in upset and fighting. As she described her issues with her sisters, I realized that all this trouble reached into the past from childhood. It was sibling rivalry that started long ago and was brought forward as a pattern that they have repeated for years. She wanted to know what to do.

I mentioned that I have had the same issue in my life. I finally realized if I just thanked the person for the advice, the conversation was over. I didn’t have to say yes or no to their advice, just thanked them for their input. She said “How do I do that?” and my advice was all you have to do when it happens next time is say “Thank you for the advice.”

It’s time to let go of old personal patterns, family patterns, old beliefs, old reactions we have from our childhood and have carried into our adult lives. When you come in conflict with someone, just stop yourself from getting upset by taking a deep breath and don’t take it personally. Teach yourself to handle it in a different way so you can break the old pattern. It’s easy, but you have to catch yourself in the moment and not go into old reactions.

Keep your words and thoughts positive, stop complaining, change your self-talk and just be aware that if things aren’t flowing in your life, you are stuck in old behaviors and patterns and you can simply change your thoughts and change your life. Be bold and embrace the change!

Is there an old pattern that you have realized that you have held onto for too long? What were the first baby steps that you took to change unwanted patterns? We would love to hear your comments!

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Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash


Letting Go of the Clutter