Negativity to Positivity

Photo by Canva

Photo by Canva

by Candace Liccione

What if you woke up each morning and had to decide whether to put on your negative set of clothes or your positive set of clothes?  At least you would have to make a decision each day of how you were going to think and live that day.

We get up each morning and never realize that our negative thoughts are usually what we are putting out into the world each day.  Start to make the choice to approach life with a positive mindset and let the negative mind-set sit back deep in your closet. So many of us don’t even think about our mindset as we set out each morning.  The course of each day is up to you.

Even if negative events occur, you can choose to look at them through positive eyes. So you didn’t get that promotion, or you made a mistake, you can then choose to look at the event as a lesson or an experience by which to learn from in your life. Did you really want that promotion or was it going to take you away from home too much or was it above your level of expertise? Did that mistake take the project or your life in a different direction than you had intended to go? These are the kinds of questions you can ask yourself as these so-called negative events occur. Many times the first reaction is anger and fear and negativity but when you really look at the event you can see the positive aspects.  Many negative events are the first step in making changes that you wouldn’t have made unless forced by circumstances.

Negative beliefs and negative thinking bring you negative outcomes as you are given what you ask for. But, you say, that’s not what I really wanted and then ask if that was what you believed or thought would happen. The Universe gives you ask for.  Be certain you are asking for what you really want. You may say to yourself that you want a new job but you override your desire with the negative thought that I never get what I want or I won’t get the new job because a co worker is going to get it, etc. If you stop each time you go into negativity and cancel out the old beliefs and thoughts, you will begin to start replacing the negativity with a positive thought. In time you can teach yourself to stop thinking negatively and think positive thoughts.

Negativity breeds negativity and negative results. You know this but don’t really think you are thinking or feeling negative. Start listening or even better, start writing down your thoughts and beliefs on issues in your life. Start noticing how old beliefs, old attitudes, create today’s reality. You are in charge of your life and you can take back control by creating a positive life with positive thinking. Positive thinking sounds simplistic but it does really make a huge difference as you begin to take control of your life by putting out to the Universe what you really want to happen in your life. Let go of all you have accumulated from family, friends and the world as to how you should live and start living from a positive view of what is possible and right for you.

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