

Art illustration by Heidi Borchers - © 2001

Art illustration by Heidi Borchers - © 2001

Garlic. To the rescue!  In my family, the joke is that my husband likes garlic so much he would even eat it on his cereal. Doesn’t sound very appetizing but garlic is really, really, good for you. Cook with garlic every chance you get! Not only does garlic add remarkable flavor to your recipes, but it also has wonderful benefits for your body and health. Did you know that garlic treats colds, flu, fever, earaches, bronchitis, sinus congestion, headaches, stomach problems, high blood pressure, diarrhea, gout, and parasites? Garlic man to the rescue! A garlic bulb is bursting with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-tumor. Visions of garlic (man) should be dancing in your head! 

Recipe for wellness:  Add garlic to your daily life. How about garlic bread, pasta sauces, stir-fries, soups and stew, and anything else you can think to add garlic to – except cereal! I am talking real garlic here . . . not garlic salt or any other facsimile.

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