

Art illustration by Heidi Borchers - © 2001

Art illustration by Heidi Borchers - © 2001

Dragonflies almost seem to be magical. Their iridescent colors and their zig-zagging flight make you think of fairies and sprites. Dragonflies are predator insects that prey on mosquitoes and fly larvae. This is great news as they are beautiful and intriguing and keep the insect population down.

Dragonflies speak of illusion so if a dragonfly is hovering around you today think about illusions that may be occurring in your life in your relationships, your job, or in your family. Are things really as they appear?  Male dragonflies are called dragonflies but the females are actually called damselflies. The males are broader and have huge eyes and the females are more ladylike as they are slender and more delicate. Males hold their wings out like an airplane and females fold their wings over their back when at rest. Dragonflies can fly up to 30 mph. Some dragonflies have color pigments in their skin but most of the beautiful colors in dragonflies are caused by structures in their skin that scatter and reflect light. Dragonflies enchant us with their colors and their beauty but they are also here to do their job in reducing the insect population.

Recipe for Inspiration: Time to head outdoors! When was the last time you sat out in your garden and watched the dragonflies? Take time to sit with nature and let the stress fade away as you enjoy the wonders of nature and relax and ground yourself in the beauty and wonder.

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